December 31, 2013
| Tags: Reformed, Confessionalism, The Doctrine of Justification, doctrine, Fear of the Lord, gospel, Scripture, sin, theodicy, total depravity, atonement, problem of evil, God's glory, salvation, redemption, love, Fall, amazing grace, Reformation, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, predestination, election, soteriology, grace
God sent His Son Jesus Christ to completely atone for the sins of His people, so that they are saved to worship Him forever and ever. This post covers the Second Head of the Canons of Dort....
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December 22, 2013
| Tags: Reformed, Confessionalism, The Doctrine of Justification, doctrine, Fear of the Lord, gospel, Scripture, sin, theology of the cross, total depravity, problem of evil, God's glory, love, Fall, Reformation, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, predestination, election, soteriology, grace
Election is God choosing a people for His own possession, to whom He gives faith to trust in Christ so that they may enjoy eternal fellowship with Him forever....
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December 12, 2013
| Tags: ReformedChurch, Reformed, Confessionalism, The Doctrine of Justification, doctrine, Fear of the Lord, Bible, gospel, Scripture, total depravity, God's glory, amazing grace, Reformation, Calvin, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, predestination, election, soteriology, grace, salvation
This is an introduction to a five-part series on the Doctrines of Grace as they are expounded in the Canons of Dort, describing the nature of how God saves His people. ...
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December 4, 2013
by Rev. Jared Beaird
The Medieval Background of the Old Church
Martin Luther is perhaps the most popular figure of theological study, outside secondary literature on the life of Jesus Christ. As the foundational character of Protestantism, to control Luther is to control the reformation. For this reason, reconstructionist have done their best to create a Luther after their own theological image. Today it seems the Luther of faith gove...
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