September 24, 2013
by Rev. Jared Beaird
A Theology on Worship
What you win them with, is what you win them to. In church it may be biblical, holy things, or it may be common or profane things. Listen to this podcast to see how a proper observation of the Sabbath should inform the way we think and act in worship.
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September 20, 2013
by Rev. Jared Beaird
Theological Words You Should Know
Watch this short video to learn exactly what the Bible is and what it is all about. ...
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September 17, 2013
The Medieval Background of the Old Church
| Tags: Transubstantiation, Purgatory
The doctrine of transubstantiation of the Eucharist came to prominence in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Using the language of Greek philosopher Aristotle Medieval Scholastics formulated the doctrine, and Christ’s body and blood became present in the Mass. He came not only to those present, but also for those in Purgatory. Receiving its name in the twelfth cent...
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September 10, 2013
by Rev. Jared Beaird
A Theology on Worship
What is the task of the church? Is it evangelism? Is it assimilation? Is there more? Yes! Find out on this show. ...
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September 5, 2013
The Works of God
| Tags: Bible, Common Grace, Communion, doctrine, gospel, general revelation, Glorification, Holy Supper, Kingdom of God, Lord's Supper, Providence, Reformed, revelation, Scripture, suffering, theodicy, The Lord's Supper, church
God rules over this world, even though there is incredible suffering, confusion, and evil in it. His plan is to glorify Himself, and He perfectly accomplishes this as He governs both this world and His Church....
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September 3, 2013
by Rev. Jared Beaird
Theological Words You Should Know
Watch this short video to learn a biblical definition of the word atonement. ...
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September 3, 2013
by Rev. Jared Beaird
A Theology on Worship
When the church ignores its call to holiness it pursues worldliness. Listen and learn how the church should be otherworldly. ...
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September 3, 2013
The Medieval Background of the Old Church
| Tags: mass
No historical event falls out of the sky. This is true for theology. This show explains the mass in all its late medieval glory.
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