The Doctrines of Grace, Part Five: The Perseverance of the Saints Unto Glory
The perseverance of the saints is the vital capstone upon the Doctrines of Grace....
Keep ReadingTheology You Should Know is a biweekly podcast that discusses transcendent theology for everyday life. We present a theology that is transcendent and immanent, deep and accessible, eternal and practical. Everyone has a theology. The question is: Is your theology Biblical?
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April 9, 2014 | Category: Soteriology | Tags: Confessionalism, The Doctrine of Justification, doctrine, Glorification, Godly Living, Bible, gospel, God's glory, salvation, redemption, love, amazing grace, Reformation, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, predestination, election, soteriology, grace, Monergism, Irresistible Grace, Synod of Dort, perseverance
The perseverance of the saints is the vital capstone upon the Doctrines of Grace....
Keep ReadingDecember 31, 2013 | Category: Soteriology | Tags: Reformed, Confessionalism, The Doctrine of Justification, doctrine, Fear of the Lord, gospel, Scripture, sin, theodicy, total depravity, atonement, problem of evil, God's glory, salvation, redemption, love, Fall, amazing grace, Reformation, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, predestination, election, soteriology, grace
God sent His Son Jesus Christ to completely atone for the sins of His people, so that they are saved to worship Him forever and ever. This post covers the Second Head of the Canons of Dort....
Keep ReadingDecember 22, 2013 | 2 Comments | Category: Soteriology | Tags: Reformed, Confessionalism, The Doctrine of Justification, doctrine, Fear of the Lord, gospel, Scripture, sin, theology of the cross, total depravity, problem of evil, God's glory, love, Fall, Reformation, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, predestination, election, soteriology, grace
Election is God choosing a people for His own possession, to whom He gives faith to trust in Christ so that they may enjoy eternal fellowship with Him forever....
Keep ReadingDecember 12, 2013 | Category: Soteriology | Tags: ReformedChurch, Reformed, Confessionalism, The Doctrine of Justification, doctrine, Fear of the Lord, Bible, gospel, Scripture, total depravity, God's glory, amazing grace, Reformation, Calvin, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, predestination, election, soteriology, grace, salvation
This is an introduction to a five-part series on the Doctrines of Grace as they are expounded in the Canons of Dort, describing the nature of how God saves His people. ...
Keep Reading