Theology You Should Know is a biweekly podcast that discusses transcendent theology for everyday life. We present a theology that is transcendent and immanent, deep and accessible, eternal and practical. Everyone has a theology. The question is: Is your theology Biblical?

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The Doctrines of Grace, Part Three: Our Absolute Need for a Complete Savior

Our total depravity shows us that we need a complete Savior to save us from our terrible predicament....

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The Doctrines of Grace, Part One: Election

Election is God choosing a people for His own possession, to whom He gives faith to trust in Christ so that they may enjoy eternal fellowship with Him forever....

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Happy Reformation Day!

We commemorate Reformation Day on October 31, for on this day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses outlining corruption in the Church to the door of the Wittenberg Church, sparking the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation recovered and clarified the great doctrines of grace and purified the Church from error. ...

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Why Did God Permit Evil?

The problem of evil is difficult to face, but God has permitted it for His glory. Because He is perfect, holy, and righteous, God has a good reason to allow evil - and this is shown most poignantly in His redemptive work in history....

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A Pilgrim People in a Paradoxical World

How shall we live in a world that has so much beauty and yet is filled with so much filthiness and evil? As Christians, we recognize the providential and preserving hand of God upon this world and yet look forward to the perfect world to come....

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