Rev. Jared W. Beaird (“Pastor Jared”) moved to Missoula after the military. He was born in Grand Forks, ND, raised in Texas, baptized in the Southern Baptist church, USMC veteran, met and married his wife at Missoula Alliance Church. After marriage, they moved to Chicago to attend Moody Bible Institute. While there he learned, wrestled with, and succumbed to the doctrines of grace (Calvinism). After college, he attended The Master’s Seminary, where he began personally studying the Reformed faith, which took over his life and so he became a Presbyterian in the Korean American Presbyterian Church. That’s a fun story you will need to ask him about some time. He loved the KAPC but eventually found his life at Westminster Seminary California, where he joined the URCNA. During the winter and summer months, he returned home to Missoula and worshipped at the Garden City OPC. Long story short, the OPC dissolved in Missoula, and Pastor Jared asked the URCNA to take up the work to which they did and called Rev. Jared to be our church planting pastor.

He is married to Liz and they have three children: Caleb, Parker, and Austin. Together they enjoy showing hospitality in their home for meals, prayer, and to study the Word.