June 18, 2014
Christian Living
| Tags: Godly Living, Fear of the Lord, God's glory, love, Creation, marriage, singleness, single, husband, wife, children, sex, use of means, waiting on God, matchmaking, networking, family
How should we view singleness and marriage? They are both blessed states to be in, and we need much wisdom in these situations....
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May 2, 2014
A Theology on Worship
| Tags: truthandworship, ReformedWorship, Worship, Godly Living, Fear of the Lord, general revelation, sin, regulative principle of worship, God's glory, love, Fall, The Fall, Covenant of Works, Worshipper, Adam, Creation, Anthropology
Man was created to worship God. Adam was set up on this earth to serve God by exercising dominion over creation. ...
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April 9, 2014
| Tags: Confessionalism, The Doctrine of Justification, doctrine, Glorification, Godly Living, Bible, gospel, God's glory, salvation, redemption, love, amazing grace, Reformation, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, predestination, election, soteriology, grace, Monergism, Irresistible Grace, Synod of Dort, perseverance
The perseverance of the saints is the vital capstone upon the Doctrines of Grace....
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February 12, 2014
| Tags: Reformed, ReformedWorship, Confessionalism, Communion of Saints, doctrine, Resurrection, Lord's Supper, Fear of the Lord, Bible, gospel, Scripture, sin, Holy Catholic Church, Pilgrim, God's glory, salvation, redemption, love, Fall, amazing grace, Reformation, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, election, soteriology, grace, Monergism, Effectual Calling, Irresistible Grace
Because we are dead in our sins and trespasses, God effectually calls us unto salvation by regenerating us and transforming us into new creatures in Christ....
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January 14, 2014
| Tags: Reformed, Confessionalism, The Doctrine of Justification, doctrine, Fear of the Lord, law, gospel, Common Grace, sin, theology of the cross, total depravity, Romans 7, atonement, God's glory, salvation, redemption, love, Fall, culture, amazing grace, Reformation, human condition, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, soteriology, grace
Our total depravity shows us that we need a complete Savior to save us from our terrible predicament....
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December 31, 2013
| Tags: Reformed, Confessionalism, The Doctrine of Justification, doctrine, Fear of the Lord, gospel, Scripture, sin, theodicy, total depravity, atonement, problem of evil, God's glory, salvation, redemption, love, Fall, amazing grace, Reformation, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, predestination, election, soteriology, grace
God sent His Son Jesus Christ to completely atone for the sins of His people, so that they are saved to worship Him forever and ever. This post covers the Second Head of the Canons of Dort....
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December 22, 2013
| Tags: Reformed, Confessionalism, The Doctrine of Justification, doctrine, Fear of the Lord, gospel, Scripture, sin, theology of the cross, total depravity, problem of evil, God's glory, love, Fall, Reformation, Doctrines of Grace, Canons of Dort, predestination, election, soteriology, grace
Election is God choosing a people for His own possession, to whom He gives faith to trust in Christ so that they may enjoy eternal fellowship with Him forever....
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October 18, 2013
Christian Living
| Tags: Common Grace, general revelation, God's glory, Godly Living, love, Missoula, Providence, redemption, revelation, special revelation, salvation, sin, culture, discernment, literature, books, film, art
In approaching works of culture, we seek to think about and contemplate the world which God has created and all the good things in it which witness to His works of creation, providence, and redemption...
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October 2, 2013
The Works of God
| Tags: Bible, doctrine, Fear of the Lord, general revelation, gospel, revelation, Scripture, sin, special revelation, suffering, theodicy, total depravity, theology of the cross, problem of evil, God's glory, salvation, redemption, love, Fall
The problem of evil is difficult to face, but God has permitted it for His glory. Because He is perfect, holy, and righteous, God has a good reason to allow evil - and this is shown most poignantly in His redemptive work in history....
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